If you're considering a Brazilian keratin treatment, you're not alone. A Brazilian keratin treatment is a hair treatment that helps to smooth out frizzy hair, and it can last for up to four months. It's a popular treatment among celebrities, and it's said to be very effective in making your hair look shiny and sleek.

If you're interested in learning more about Brazilian keratin treatments, or if you're looking for tips on how to care for your hair after a treatment, you've come to the right place. Our blog is dedicated to educating people about the ins and outs of Brazilian keratin treatments, and we'll be sharing tips and advice on how to get the best results from your treatment. So, whether you're a first-time keratin user or you're an experienced pro, be sure to check out our blog for the latest information on this popular hair treatment.

Brazilian Blowouts

$200 shoulder around

$250 longer hair

$275 mega hair

Men Keratin $100 ( top )

and up.

I have the following brands available:

•Brazilian blowout Smoothing

•Lasio 24 hours

•Morrocan keratin-Inoar

• ask me about other brands

Many Thanks
